Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Aug 16, 2013 Dianna is admitted to hospital

On August 16th, Dianna was taken to the St. Joseph's hospital. We suspected she'd had a stroke. Several days prior, her balance and strength had deteriorated significantly, and she was falling on a daily basis.  It was becoming increasingly difficult to care for her at home and her safety was becoming a major concern.

For those of you who were not included in the email updates sent to family and friends outlining the details of Mom's hospitalization, I've copied them here...

Brother Scott helping Mom eat dinner

August 19, 2013 
Hi Everyone, I'm writing from St Joseph's Hospital in Comox. 
As you know, Mom was admitted to the hospital after we called an ambulance Friday morning. She was unable to weight bare, walk without help of 2 people and was slumping to the left side. Mom is currently in the overflow ward for emergency care unit.
Today, we made some progress with the staff at St Joseph - some much needed clarity and action re: Mom's current state. Last night when I was in to feed Mom her dinner, I insisted the nurse re-request a Cat Scan be done and asked for a consult with a neurologist - I told them she is continuing to decline; she is leaning way to her left side, can not sit up or move on her own, can not walk on her on, can not eat on her own any more. This is a marked difference even in the last 5 days.  With her history of falls recently we are thinking something besides the dementia is going on.
There is a new Dr on call this week starting today (Mom's admitting Dr.- a Dr. Mooseburger, was on for the weekend shift only). The nurse last night had a conversation with Dr Mooseburger, expressing our further concern and request to get the scan down now versus waiting for the scheduled one which was Sept 5th - too long a wait!  Today the new Dr - a Dr Dan, did another full physical exam of Mom and after looking at her history and reviewing the transition notes from Dr. Mooseburger, concluded that yes, she probably has had a stroke - her left side is not responding - no strength in the legs or arms.  Also noted her left eye is a bit droopy (which I noticed a week ago!) bloody Dr's!  Dr. Dan said it may be a stroke, or perhaps a bang on the head from one of her falls that caused some internal blood pooling on/in the brain.  
I asked Dr. Dan if Mom's increased state of delirium (not able to focus, not able to communicate (much), sleeping, slumped over etc...) could be the dementia rapidly advancing. Or, a result of Mom's meds. She said no not likely. However, she did say the rapid acceleration of the delirious state in a person with dementia most often has to do with an acute incident - so the idea of the stroke or brain bleed or? is a plausible one.  We will find out soon. If a stroke is evident, there won't be much they can do that they are not already doing. Mom's on blood thinners now.  
Whatever conclusions we come to over the next few days, Dr Dan did say Mom won't be going home. I think she said that to me because she knows we are no longer able to care for her at home, especially in this state, and that we have over the past few days, repeatedly advocated that Mom needs to be in a full time care facility where she is safe and well cared for.  I believe she was wanting to reassure me that they understand the circumstances.  Regardless, we don't know how long she'll be in St Joseph's or what the next steps will be - there are no beds available at the moment in any care facilities that take Alzheimer's patients in the Comox Valley. A transfer from St. Joseph's to a facility could take some time.  You can be assured we will be checking on the status of the cat scan first thing tomorrow. 

Dad, Scott and I have been doing shifts at the hospital to feed Mom and check on her status and just to be with her. Linda was there yesterday at lunch to feed her and get her cleaned up a bit.  We are all ok - we are hopeful and want Mom to be at peace; no suffering, no pain.

WE LOVE YOU MOM...FI figure if I shout it loud enough she can hear me ....

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