I am grateful I'm able to work from Comox now - I arrived last night, and after a day's work, went to see Mom. It's been about a month since we've seen each other on account of the Norwalk shut down, and my time at home to on-board my new job.
Mom recognized me, smiled and said my name - tears welled up in my eyes, as much as I tried not to. I was overwhelmed with emotion. She was in her Broda chair in her bedroom by the window. The sun was shining in and she had the TV on. You can see from these pics that she was struggling with her posture - her neck was hyper-extended and she was restless. Also, her pallor wasn't good and her right eye was filled with a yellow discharge.
I sat with her for a bit before going to the dining room to fetch her dinner so we could visit while she ate in her room. Dinner was a pork stew with brown rice and canned green beans. Mom wasn't able to feed herself today - I think her neck situation was a part of the problem. I started to feed her meal to her which she took with some degree of interest. I noticed the chunks of meat where a bit challenging for her to swallow as she was coughing some. The next bite was trouble - when she swallowed, she started to cough and try and clear her throat, but she is somewhat congested today and it wasn't working. Coughing is hard for Mom these days. Then I could see she was in trouble. I jumped up and reached behind her to get her sitting more upright and was about to reach in to her mouth when someone walked by her room. I yelled 'help!' and the care-aide came running in. Bella leaped up and barked and scared the crap out of all of us. She was startled. I shouted 'Mom's choking' and she ran out to get help. Seconds later, there was team of 4 in the room working with Mom. I moved out of the way and over to calm Bella (and myself). They managed to help Mom clear a chunk of meat out of her airway. She was frightened and extremely agitated as you can imagine! They were going to try and clear her lungs and throat with a machine that would be inserted into her airway but decided against it considering Mom's state. I assured them I would be with Mom for a while and they left. I sat with her and massaged her neck and stroked her hair encouraging her to relax, which she did. Within a few minutes she was leaning back with her eyes closed. I continued for while and then decided it was time to go. I left her in peace. The pics might be a bit scary to you, but rest assured, she's doing ok.
On my way out I had a chat with Tammy one of the care-aides, asking her to report Mom's eye and congestion to the head nurse. I'll call later tonight to see how Mom's doing and to see if we can get a Dr. in to see her.
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